Can y Dydd 09/04/20 / Song of the Day 09/04/20

Dwi'n meddwl mai cerddoriaeth sy'n neud i chi fod eisiau dawnsio ydy'r gerddoriaeth hapus ora.

Mae Trials of Cato yn fand gwerin wnaeth argraff go iawn efo'u halbym gynta ha Hide and Hair  rhyddhawyd llynedd. Beth sy'n unigryw amdayn nhw ydy does na'm telyn, ffidil na ffliwt ar eu cyfyl ac eto mae nhw'n llwyddo i ddal afiaith cerddoriaeth werin i'r dim. Yn y band mae gitar acwstig, mandolin a baswci. Camp y band yma ydy sut mae nhw'n amrywio gwead eu cerddoriaeth gan ddefnyddio tawelwch yn ofalus ac effeithiol iawn.

Fe wnaeth aelodau'r band gyfarfod pan oedden nhw'n gweithio yn Beirut, Lebanon a fuo nhw'n gweithio ar eu crefft. Cafodd eu halbym gyntaf groeso gwresog ac roedden nhw i fod i fynd i recordio eu hail albwm yn America ond yn amlwg mae hynny i gyd ar stop ar hyn o bryd.

Felly, dwi wedi penderfynu rhannu Haf ganddyn nhw yma heddiw, dwi ddim yn gwybod am lle da chi ond mae hi mor braf yma, faswn i ddim yn gallu rannu dim byd arall.

Gwrandewch ar yr alaw sionc gyda nodau trawsacennog ar y mandolin,
Y tamborin - oeddech chi'n gwybod mai efo'i draed mae Will yn chwarae'r offerynnau taro?!
Ac ymunwch yn yr "hyb"s gobeithiol.


I think the best happy music is music that makes you want to dance. 

The Trials of Cato is a folk band that made a real impression with their debut album Hide and Hair released last year. What is unique about them is that I don't have a harp, violin or a flute yet they still manage to capture the mood of folk music. The band has an acoustic guitar, mandolin and bouzouki. The trick of this band is how they vary the texture of their music using very careful and effectively using silence. 

The band members met when they were working in Beirut, Lebanon and worked on their craft. Their debut album was well received and they were due to record their second album in America but obviously that's all stopped at the moment. 

So I've decided to share their song Haf with you today, I don't know where you are but here the weather has been so nice, I couldn't share anything else. 

Listen to the brisk tune with syncopated notes on the mandolin, 
The tamborin - did you know that Will plays all the percussion with his feet ?! 
And join in the hopeful "hub"s.


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