Dydd Miwsig Cymru
Mae hi'n Dydd Miwsig Cymru ar y 05/02 felly dyma gasglu rhai o fy hoff rhestrau chwarae o Spotify i chi gael sbio arnyn nhw.
Mae'r rhain yn dod o'r ddau gyfri, Miwsig a Ywain Gwynedd ac yn sicr mae'n werth cael golwg ar eu rhestrau chwarae i gyd, mae na rhywbeth ar gyfer pob achlysur yna!
Dyma nhw:
Y caneuon gorau os ti'n 10 oed gan Nel
- dwi ddim yn gwybod pwy di Nel ond mae ganddi dast ardderchog mewn cerddoriaeth.
- rhestr o ganeuon i gadw cwmni i chi tra da chi'n gweithio o adre.
- dwi'n gwybod does na neb yn mynd i far, na chaffi, na bwyty dyddia yma ond dyma restr chwarae o ganeuon i'w rhoi mlaen yn y gegin i esgus bod yn rhywle arall.
- rhai o ganeuon Cymraeg gorau 2020. Ma na glasuron modern yn fama ac rhai o ffefrynau fy mab 4 oed.
- ydy, dwi'n gwybod ei bod hi'r amser hollol rong o'r flwyddyn ar gyfer rhestr chwarae Dolig ond mi oedd hwn ar repeat yn tŷ ni fis Rhagfyr.
- nes i roi hwn mlaen rhyw nos Wener ddim yn siwr iawn beth i'w ddisgwyl. Ond mae o'r rhestr chwarae perffaith ar gyfer dechrau'r penwythnos efo lot o ganeuon annisgwyl arno fo. Ac mae unrhyw restr chwarae sy'n cynnwys Huw Puw gan Gwerinos yn haeddu seren aur.
Felly, ar y 5ed o Chwefror leni, beth am roi cynnig ar un o'r rhestrau chwarae yma neu beth am wrando ar Huw Stephens sy'n darlledu drwy'r dydd ar Radio Cymru 2.
It's Welsh Music Day on 05/02 so I've collected some of my favourite Spotify playlists for you to browse.
These come from two accounts, Miwsig and Ywain Gwynedd and it's worth checking out all of their playlists, there's something for every occasion there.
Here they are:
Y caneuon gorau os ti'n 10 oed gan Nel
- I have no idea who Nel is but she has great taste in music.
- songs to keep you company when working from home.
- I know no one's going to the bar, cafe, or restaurant these days but here's a playlist to put on in the kitchen to pretend you're somewhere else.
- some of the best Welsh songs from 2020. There are modern classics here and a few of my 4 year old song's favourites.
- yes, I know this is completly the rong time of year for a Christmas playlist but this was on repeat in our house during December.
- I played this on a Friday night not sure what to expect. This is the perfect playlist for the weekend with a lot of unexpected songs on it. And any playlist which includes Huw Puw by Gwerinos deserves a gold star.
So, on the 5th of February, how about giving one of these playlists a try or listen to Huw Stephens who's on all day on Radio Cymru 2.
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