Enillydd Albwm Cymraeg y Flwyddyn - Mirores gan Ani Glass
Dechrau Awst cyhoeddwyd Mirores gan Ani Glass yn Albwm Cymraeg y Flwyddyn 2020.
Mae Ani Glass yn artist sy'n perfformio cerddoriaeth electronig. Mae mwy o'i hanes ar wefan Y Selar yma:
Mae'n sicr yn albwm drawiadol iawn, a dwi'n eich annog i fynd i wrando arni. Dwi'n siwr y bydd herio eich syniad o beth ydy "Cerddoriaeth Gymreig".
At the beginning of August Mirores by Ani Glass was announced Albwm Cymraeg y Flwyddyn for 2020.
Ani Glass is an artist which performs electronig music. Ani is a seasoned performer and has been a member of The Pippettes and The Lovely Wars before releasing solo music. After her solo EP "Y Ffrwydra Tawel" this is her first album.
Mirores comes from the Cornish word Miras which is "to see" and suggests the idea of someone observing.
It's certainly a striking album, and I encourage you to go and listen to it. I'm certain that it will challenge your idea of what is "Welsh Music".
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