Cofio Adam Schlesinger / Remembering Adam Schlesinger

Tasa chi wedi dweud yr enw Adam Schlesinger wrthai fedrai ddim dweud faswn i'n gwybod pwy oedd o.
Tasa chi wedi enwi'r band Fountains of Wayne dwi'n meddwl fasa na rhyw gloch bell wedi canu yng nghefn fy nghof i'n rhywle.
Tasa chi wedi enwi'r gan Stacy's Mom faswn i'n gwybod yn union am be oedda chi'n son.

Roedd y gan yma'n anferth yn y 00au. Dwi'n cofio hi'n dod allan achos o'n ym mrig fy ieuenctid. Dwi'm yn siwr os o'n i'n ffan ohoni ar y pryd, o'n licio meddwl mod i'n rhy soffistigedig i gan efo geiria mor wirion. Ond mi oedd hi ymhob man.

A chydig nol ddes i ar draws y cyfyr yma:

Dwi'n caru'r cyfyr yma a dwi'n meddwl rhywsut mae'n dod a pha mor chwareus ydy'r gan wir allan.

Prun bynnag, mae na lot mwy i yrfa Adam Schlesinger na Stacy's Mom. Yn anffodus ddoe, bu farw yn 52 oed achos Covid-19. Gallwch ddarllen ei dudalen wicipedia i weld yr holl raglenni teledu a ffilmiau bu'n cyfansoddi ar eu cyfer, fe gafodd enwebiad am oscar hyd yn oed. Roedd yn sicr yn dipyn mwy na basydd mewn band. (Dyma'r newyddion yn y Guardian yn cofio.)


If you had said the name Adam Schlesinger I couldn't say if I didn't know who he was. 
If you had named the band Fountains of Wayne I think some distant bell would have rang in the back of my memory somewhere. 
If you had named Stacy's Mom I would have known exactly what you were talking about. 

This song was huge in the 00s. I remember her coming out because it was in my youth. I'm not sure if I was a fan of it at the time, I liked thinking I was too sophisticated for something with such silly words. But it was everywhere. 

And recently I came across this cover: 

I love this cover and I think it really brings out how playful the song really is. 

Anyway, Adam Schlesinger's career is much more than Stacy's Mom. Unfortunately yesterday, he died at the age of 52 of Covid-19. You can read his Wikipedia page to see all the television programs and movies he composed for, he even got an oscar nomination. He was certainly much more than a bassist in a band. (This the news in the Guardian.)


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