Cyngerdd BBC Philharmonic, Neuadd Bridgewater, Manceinion 18/01/2020

Daeth criw Cerdd CMD Pwllheli a chriw Cerdd CMD Dolgellau at ein gilydd i fynd am drip ar fore oer fis Ionawr. Roedden ni'n mynd i Fanceinion i gael gweld un o ddarnau mwyaf arloesol a chyffrous y Cyfnod Rhamantaidd sef Symphonie Fantastique gan Berlioz.

Wedi cyrraedd Manceinion a mynd i ymweld a siop gerdd enwog Forsyth, piciad o gwmpas chydig o siopa a chael swper (gweler y llun). Aethom ni i Neuadd Bridgewater i weld Cerddorfa Ffilharmonig y BBC.

I ddechrau'r cyngerdd roedden nhw'n chwarae Night Ferry gan y cyfansoddwr Anna Clyne. Roedd na elfennau rhaglennol difyr o'r darn yma gyda theimlad cerddoriaeth ffilm iddo fo.  Roedd o hefyd yn gyfle i weld nifer o dechnegau offerynnol diddorol yn cael eu defnyddio.

Wedyn roedden nhw'n chwarae The Lark Ascending gan Vaughan Williams. Yr unawdydd oedd Jennifer Pike. Mae hwn yn ddarn andros o hudol ac roedd Jennifer Pike yn ei chwarae i gyd efo'i llygaid ar gau bron. Anhygoel.

Yn yr ail hanner roedd y gerddorfa yn chwarae Symphonie Fantastique. Mae na gymaint o bethau i'w ddweud am y darn yma, a cymaint o betha doedden ni heb ei drafod yn y dosbarth! Yr uchafbwynt i fi heb os oedd y pedwerydd symudiad, yr orymdaith i'r crocbren. Mae o mor frawychus ond yn gyffrous ar yr un pryd.

Mae'r darn yma'n ddarn difyr iawn i'w astudio yn y dosbarth ac roedd ei weld yn fyw yn brofiad a hanner.


The Pwllheli CMD Music classes and the Dolgellau CMD Music class got together for a trip on a cold January morning. We were going to Manchester to see one of the most innovative and exciting pieces of the Romantic Period, Berlioz's Symphonie Fantastique.

We arrived in Manchester and visited the famous music shop, Forsyth and after some shopping and dinner (see picture) we went to Bridgewater Hall to see the BBC Philharmonic Orchestra. 

To begin the concert they played Night Ferry by composer Anna Clyne. There were some interesting programmatic elements to this piece with a film music feel to it. It was also an opportunity to see a number of interesting instrumental techniques that we come across occasionally in class being used. 

They then played The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams. The soloist was Jennifer Pike. This is an incredibly magical piece and Jennifer Pike played almost all of it with her eyes closed. Amazing. 

In the second half the orchestra played Symphonie Fantastique. There are so many things to say about this piece, and so many things we realised that we didn't discuss in class! The highlight for me was undoubtedly the fourth movement, the march to the scaffold. It's so scary but exciting at the same time. 

 This piece is such a fun piece to study in class and seeing it live was a great experience.


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